Tuesday, March 11, 2014

DAY 2 - Saturday, 1 March, 2014: Koalas and Wallabies and Platypuses, oh my!

After a leisurely breakfast and fantastic coffee, Gail whisks Kathy and me off to the Healesville Sanctuary to view Australian wildlife, including Kay and Judy and Rob who join us there for the day.  Here's a picture (taken by Rob) of Judy, Gail, Kathy, me and Kay.

As excited as a little kid, I spend some koala-ty time with Bennie.

Although we did see a platypus, the lighting was too dim to take a photo, so this statue will have to do for now!

Here are a few more photos taken at Healesville.

Another group shot (Gail, Jane, Judy, Rob and Kay)

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